Kaleb P.Interview!

Day 225, 17:45 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

Here is a second P.Interview in which I ask Kaleb(former UK president) a couple revealing questions..

Kaleb, what is your real name. Or First name.

My name is Alistair. I'll keep my surname secret for now as you can find out a fair bit about me on Google 🙂

What Age are you?


Where do you live?

Nottingham, but I'm moving to London next month.

If any, What college did you attend? What did you Major in college?

I went to Uni of Nottingham where I did Economics and European Union Studies, majoring on international trade theory.

What is your career? What do you work as?

I work in sales and business development in technology for the public relations industry. I work with a small company but the clients I work with and will be working with are all companies you'll have heard of.

What Was you childhood like?

Very nice. Oldest of four kids. I was actually born in India.

What are your hobbies?

Erepublik and... well that's pretty much all I have time for now that I have a little baby to look after! Oooh I wish I had time for more games. Favourite games (which I still play when I get half a chance) are the Civilisation series and the Total War series, I also like games by Paradox. And it's been ages since I've been able to swing a tennis racquet in anger...

Single or Taken?

Married to a lovely Spanish chica 🙂 - 4th anniversary soon!

Do you like to read? If so...top 5 favorite books?

I do like to read, especially on holidays. Top 5, I couldn't say but a few I remember really enjoying recently are:

The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follet
The Company - Robert Littell
Magician - Raymond E. Feist

Any Movie(s) you can watch over and over:

Lord of the Rings series, Matrix, Last of the Mohicans, Austin Powers, Gladiator,

What is/are your hermitage(s)?

It's a secret cave on the coast of north east Scotland.

Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life

Yes I do, but I don't think I can explain it in brief without it sounding like one of those bland clichés that a Miss World would come up with. All I will say it that the world could do with more maps.

What makes you smile?

My daughter! I also like political satire a lot, 'Have I Got News For You' is my favourite show in the UK and I also like the 'Daily Show' in the US. More recently, watching Spain in the European Cup has made me smile, it was nice to actually support a winning team for a change, and one that could play great attacking football! I also like being able to enjoy a really nice 4 course meal in Passeig de Gracia in Barcelona and smiling when I get the bill (there's no way you can eat that well in the UK for that price!). The occasional lolcat is also a good laugh! Like this one: