Kageki Minshutou

Day 685, 06:25 Published in Japan Denmark by Kitarou

Citizens of eJapan! It is an honour to acknowledge you, that I have been elected as Party President of the KMT.

This might not come as a surprise for you who have read the article published by our great Emperor, Kokawayoshi Makoto during his first days of his new important role of this great nation.
On behalf of His Majesty’s decision, I have been appointed as leader of Kageki Minshutou. I am truly thankful and honoured to get such a great and important position, and I can not thank Kokawa enough for choosing me to carry out this most important task in all of my eLife. (It is rather late that I publish this article and it is indeed because of my work and other events IRL. I apologize).

Who am I?

My name is Kitarou Yuki, I am first of all a proud citizen, as well as businessman, Ambassador, former Congress member and now politician of eJapan. Some of you might know me from my term in Congress, the IRC and some not know me at all. I have been a member of KMT since the 4th and last term of Akki’s presidency. When our current Emperor took over as president, I decided to go for Congress which lasted one whole term. The reason why it only lasted one term, were some serious and less serious IRL problems I had to deal with on one side, and school/work on the other side. So this was short about me😁 If you want to read more, go to my eRep-Wiki page.

Current situation:

Right now the KMT only have about 15 members. This number should hopefully grow big in the future. This party has been big before, and we can be big again if we work together!

What I will do for KMT:

Everything I can do!

First of all, I will work hard on being a better Party President for the party and its members. One thing is defiantly sure: I think of KMT as the number 1-priority and I would very much prove this statement in the best possible way.

I will do my best together with the honoured members to get Kageki Minshutou back on the Top5-list of leading parties. But that will only happen if members and citizens are able to help out and work together. So let’s start working together!

I will make our section in the eJapanese national forum more active by urging all members to use that section to post ideas, suggestions and such in there. (NOTE that Kokawayoshi Makoto is administrating our section in the forum as for now). What is holding Kageki Minshutou beyond the surface, are its members. You are more important for the party than you know! It is the members that decides the future, and the PP (Party President) that stands in front and does his best to deliver “the right product” when the members have voted, discussed etc. Generally the citizens of eJapan!


We have only one member in Congress (2, 56😵! Our Congressman is named Ciacho, a former KMT-member who has now returned! In my time in Congress, KMT supported me and so I think that we should support our members when they run for Congress and Presidency. Please feel free to run for Congress next term! Doing that will not only lead us upon the Top-5 list, but also insure the KMT to have a vote in the political events in the eJapan.

(Due to unexpected mistakes, we will instead support Oraizan in the presidental elections. I apologize~)


In out section in the national forum, I have made a suggestion regarding the popular IRC-channels which many citizens, countries and even parties use nowadays. We are not a very big party and we don’t have as much members as others do yet. I thought “Why not us too?” As written in the forum, we could make a channel for the KMT to better communicate, discuss political matters, ideas, suggestions and/or just have fun. Please take a look in the national forum and give your opinions! 😁 (Info is to be found at the end of this article)

Important info:

NOTE: Link to our section in the national forum can be found by clicking on the little “speech-bubble” beside the little black “Wiki-book”.

Passwor😛 The password for the section will be given to all members. If you are a member and have not yet received the password, please contact me.

Please feel free to criticise anything if you think I do things wrong, but criticise me constructively and in a kind way.
I hope you will be satisfied with me as PP in the near future! (^-^)v

Kitarou Yuki
Party President of Kageki Minshutou (KMT)

(Again, sorry this is coming very late, but I am busy IRL)