Kýpros - Part three

Day 1,145, 00:41 Published in Greece Greece by Rockisticus


There walked the soldiers of the Greek army in pride, and triple-fingered the Turks that they have yet to kill for murdering their brothers. Nicosia was already in the horizon, although, there was smoke, and fire, and flames. The sun rose, and suddenly came a Cypriot commander to the legion. His cloths were all torn-apart, and his face, hands and legs, were covered in blood. The commander, Sidokisis, told them thus: "Nicosia, our last sanctuary, was conquered by the Turks. The whole city, my friends! My family! All dead! We tryed to fight them, but the Turks faught very strongly, with all their ammunition!". The Greek commander named Ethedos the Wise, said to the Cypriot: "Thou shalt not fear, for we shall demolish the Turks that choke upon the land of Cyprus, for you our brothers the Cypriots." And they sent the commander to Limassol, where it is safe. The troops headed to Nicosia, hearing more laudly the laughter of the Turks, and the Greeks where sickenth of the laughter.The Greeks entered Nicosia, and right away, a Turk jump on them with his scimitar, but the brave Greeks, in the air, cut his head off. One Turk ran at them and screame😛 "Delivered fart!", the Greeks were baffeled, and snaped his head. The Greeks went to the main attack place, killing Turk by Turk, and reaching the commander. His name was Nulkhashir, and he had one ragular eye, and one as white as the milk. Nulkashir ordered all attacks to be stoped, so did Ethedos. Nulkashir walked to Ethedos and sai😛 "Let us fight like men, fight until one of us is dead", and Ethedos agreed. Ethedos faught bravely, and Nulkashir always tryed to sneak a kick below the belt, and Ethedos always stoped him. Ethedos took his fist, and smiked on the face of the Turk. The Turk fell, and Ethedos took his sword, and stabed the Turk in the heart. Then, all the Greeks took their swords, and killed every Turk in Nicosia, and Nicosia was liberated. The whole south of Cyprus was now Greek again, but now, a greater challenge awaits, the northern part of Cyprus, a Turkish land, filled with Turks that thirst the blood of the Greeks. This is a difficult, fill with blood and death, journey, that is yet to end.

The epic must not be taken seriously, but as a Greek view of the eCyprus Campaign!

Check out the next part tomorrow!


Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος - Ελλάδα!