K_Swoosh for Gaungxi!

Day 854, 08:43 Published in USA USA by K_Swoosh

About me
I am currently serving in the eUnited States Armed forces, known as a Private First Class. I've been in the military for about 15 months. I also served many known and respectable positions, them being:

A recruitment tyrant for the Libertarian Party. (3 Terms.)
An ambassador to eSweden.
Presidential Campaign Media Director. (PigInZen)

I am a supporter of higher taxes. I believe that in today's economy it is specifically hurting those that run and operate businesses throughly as a source of income. I feel that they need a little bit of help and I will raise taxes in order to help business owners and citizens.

I am a high supporter of the military. I believe that the military helps over 90% (if not more) of the eUnited States citizens, in staying active, and serving under a respectable name. They also help push members forward to their full standards and qualifications and all-in-all the eUnited States Armed forces help player retention and player activity. It also keeps the game fun.

Foreign affairs
I think the United States needs to seriously consider whether the EDEN is either working out for us or not. I will promise you all of Guangxi that I will support you're answers and what you have to say. Feel free to PM about what you feel Guangxi is like. Then i'll be happy to reply back and share my feelings.

My focus in congress will be activity. I urge the players of Guangxi and other states in the eUnited States to get involved. Talk around on the forums, IRC, or get involved with organizations and try to reach leadership with them. Activity is a strong suite for me, as I know how it was being bored until I really have in the past months gotten involved and tried to reach my fullest expanse.