Kýpros - Part four

Day 1,146, 07:16 Published in Greece Greece by Rockisticus


The united troops walked pass the Cypriot border, looking for any Turks in their way. There was a Turkish platoon on the gate, watching every troops that come closer. The commander of this platoon was named Osmahil, and he had a hand made of wood. The platoon saw the Greeks marching through the gate, and the Turks started to shoot at the Greeks. Our brave warriors went to battle with nothing but togas, swords, shields, and honour. The Greeks faught fiercly, and the Turks faught like cowerds, cutting the legs of good men, for they would not be able to move. Then came a man, a great one, named Phornaticos, and he went through the battlefield, and he sliced every Turks that came across his blade. In the end, only Osmahil was left, and Phornaticos set his sword on the Turk's neck, and sliced his neck, to a torso, and a head.Some Turks that wleft, ran for their lives, or just stabed them selves with what they could find in the battlefield. After is massive clench, stood Phornaticos and sai😛"My dear soldiers! Today we got a victory! A triumph upon the evil Turks! The once that took our bortheren's lives in Larnaca! We defeted them! My dear soldiers! Today we conquered this battlefield! Tomorrow we shall conquere Cyprus!" and all the soldiers hailed to Phornaticos. Then, from behind, came a turban wearing Turk, with a thick mustach in a shape of two huricanes below his nose, and stabed Phornaticos in the back with his scimitar. The Greeks caught him before he ran away, and he said to them:"Why have you hailed him?! His is no powerful, nor a God! Why?!" and the Greeks sai😛"Because unlike you Turks, we not hail only to Gods and holy people, but also to great people, and people that we love and care about". And the Greeks took the Turk, and cut his two hands, and then his two legs, and then threw his to a Turkish carrige, to take him back to Turkey. And they continued their conquest.

The epic must not be taken seriously, but as a Greek view of the eCyprus Campaign!

Check out the next part tomorrow!


Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος - Ελλάδα!