K Files|[Cutting-edge Dip. News][EN/CN] Conversation with Ambassadors

Day 1,278, 10:09 Published in North Korea China by KK Lau

I have talked with different ambassadors these days.

France: A newbies. But he/she managed to have an interview with me. I have answered him some questions, particularly about the next project of eChina. Personally I reported to him that we have 2 main targets in the coming days. First we will make every effort to keep the essential resources regions. However at the same time we would like to maintain and improve the relationship between neighbouring countries.

Bulgaria: Marwar will continue his term as a eC ambassador this month, and I explained the military action with eIndo to him. Meanwhile Marwar said that they are still unsatifised with the poor action done by MoD. And it caused EDEN failed to wipe Serbia off the map. Here you can subscribe his newspaper. There is a beautiful banner.

Irelan😛 Connection with IBhoy have been restored. During my term Ireland's army had helped eC a lot through MPP, and it is great to hear that they would like to sign MPP with us again. Ireland will close the war with England soon.

Argentina: This time paxcu05 will be ambassador to eC. I have asked some questions regrading their diplomatic relation with Brazil and Indoesnia.

Thailan😛 They had negotiation with us about the RW issue. However we could not reach any agreement. I felt a bit sorry about that.


法國:新派的大使是一名新人,他為我做了個簡單訪問,其中較關注eC 將來的計劃。我個人向他匯報eC將來有兩個主要目標,一個是努力維持十全資源,另一個是修復與鄰國的關係。

保加利亞:Marwar 會繼續擔任駐eC大使。我向他解釋了一些與印尼有關的軍事行動。同時他向我透露了關於無法消滅塞爾維亞的內情:重要原因是因為該國防長未能按計劃行事,該國內普遍要求他下台。各位可訂閱他的報紙,有一個保加利亞和中國國旗的圖。

愛爾蘭:重新與該國取得聯系。愛爾蘭曾為 eC的不少軍事行動出力,是我國及EDEN 的重要盟友之一。

阿根廷:新任大使paxcu05 來華。我向他就該國與巴西及印尼的外交關係交換了意見。


K Files 帶來外交快訊,歡迎V+S。 😃

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