Justin Moore for Consolodation Party Presidency

Day 816, 10:13 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

I publicly announce my run as the consolidation party presidency today. I informed the party over a month ago of my anticipated bid and it was received warmly.

I have been a party president 2 times before with some success and growth within the party being observed at those times.

The Consolidation party is asleep, and dormant right now with only a handful of members and lack of organization that is required to establish a successful party. The party doctrine is dated and does not fit today’s Israel. We must organize and get the word out about our values and ideals for this great nation, but we must figure out what our goals as a party is for a Israel first.

There is a lot of work to be done within the party, and I have the energy and time to see to it that this party grows and becomes a force within our nation once again.

God bless you and thank you for your vote Consolidation Party.