
Day 749, 19:00 Published in Sweden USA by livingabroad

Okay, many of you probably have contrasting opinions on this event, in fact I'm sure you do. As the American Ambassador to Sweden I want to make sure you here it from me, and not on IRC. I've copied parts of two great articles that are essential to understanding our reasoning and feelings behind this. Debate I know you will, so please private message me with your opinions (agreeing or disagreeing) instead of putting them in comments. If you do so, I'll post an entire second article with responses to these points/questions. I think this should happen more often on controversial world affairs.

This is a very avid description pointing out every reason. I've kind of bullet pointed it.

►Japan is the gateway to Asia and refused a land swap that would have led to us being able to give China and India their rightful regions.

►Jharkhand, an Indian region occupied by Iran, is Iran's only wood region. Also if West Bengal could be liberated India would have an oil region.

►Indonesia's presence in China could be diminished if we would be able to attack their Fortress Region in Karnatka. They also hold two other Chinese regions, and as China has been willing to block Indonesia it'd be rather nice to help them out.

►Removing Hungary's iron source, Heilongjiang or "Hello Kitty", would be in the best interest of all of EDEN.

Overall, we should a need to help China and India.
Original Articleby Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Another article is by Gaius Julius, a previous president of the United States. He mostly addresses those that have been calling for Jewitt's impeachment. However he does mention some more relative aspects of jurisdiction.

"Japan is a "Righteous" nation:
There are a couple of expletives to describe the sheer stupidity of this comment. In fact I am of the opinion that Japan is an indirect if not direct culprit in the attempted submission of the Croatian, Malaysian, Finnish, US, Chinese and Indian citizens. As I said above Japan is the doorway to Asia, they are well aware of this fact. They know the US has intention to return China its rightful regions and to help India. However they are happy to sit safely away from world affairs, while Phoenix uses the profits extracted from Asia to fund wars of conquest. I am tired of watching my friends in Croatia deal with Phoenix tanks funded by the profits from Hello Kitty. It's either us or them and I would do anything for our allies.Tell me how can Japan be considered righteous, while they knowingly ignore the crimes committed thanks to the control of their neighbors regions? If that's righteousness I must be a saint."

"Nice guys dont finish last
Every other country that has gone into Asia, Russia, Indo, Romania, Hungary and Iran. Did it for their own personal gains. As shown by China's cooperation with us, we are not doing this for ourselves. We are doing this for those who have stood oppressed for too long. I'm tired of hearing from allies in Asia about how Indo walked out on talks to return regions or how Russia was threatening countries. If this campaign was solely about exerting US military superiority I never would have even recommended it.

So too bad Japan you guys had a chance to be the nice guys who saved Asia from Phoenix, who graciously traded a region for two days so your Asian brothers wouldn't feel the yoke of oppression. You failed and now its the US's turn, let Operation Wakka Wakka commence."

We can do it again...

Reminder, don't agree? Or maybe you do agree? Please read the passage at the top.

USA Ambassador to Sweden