Justice system

Day 171, 10:01 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"Justice is the crowning glory of the virtues."
-- Cicero

eJustice system could be something really needed here.

Hunting of multi-account users is not the priority for Admins (as they are drinking RedBull and working on bugs 😉) and sometimes it takes long to ban one. In my opinion it would be great to implement Court system...

'Multis' is not the only thing why to implement it. Courts would be 'powered' to judge issues between companies, to work out 'debt issues' and so on..

If court is implemented, there will be 'needed' prosecutors and lawyers, will be available bribes and all eRepublik will look like a real world (where bribery goes on everyday basis).

Any citizen could have right to come with his own issue or point to a 'multi' and bring his evidence about it. The person (company or investment group) accused would have some time (lets say 3 days) to come with his defense (find the lawyer if needed), then court will find guilty or not... If court finds somebody guilty and reports him to Admins (in case of multi-accounts), there would be no need of delay 'to ban the bastards'...

The court system could be different by country:
- 'Jury system';
- 'Single judge';
or any other. Also to choose who appoints 'Judges' to their position (Minister of Justice, President, Congress or they are elected within region, or Mayors does this work).

I'm not sure how to 'give life' to this idea, or anyone else would like to see it works (I know that 'Multis' won't), but just thought it could be nice addition to the game...

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