Justice has been served!

Day 287, 09:56 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

Citizens of this glorious eWorld -

It is with great joy that I report Hufflepuff is the Turkish president! Yesterday, the almighty powers that be smote onrche with a permanent ban. Of course, we all know that onrche will try to return, but for now, all citizens of this eWorld have been victorious in the fight against evil.

In her amazing [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-594791.html]victory speech[/a] Huffle addressed the plight of the goons and the racist practices occurring in eRepublik at this time. It thoroughly convinced me that she was the right woman for the job.

On the more depressing side of news, beloved goons QJ Lincoln and Farmer Bob are exiting this great nation. It saddens me to no end. QJ was the fairest and most balanced reporter in eTurkey. Farmer Bob is the saint who loved us all equally and took care of us by providing us with great media entertainment and parties. They will be deeply missed in eTurkey. Wherever they move on to is going to be a much better place...