Just what do you think you are doing?

Day 749, 22:04 Published in USA USA by Gnaeus Progenitor

To fellow citizens of the eUSA,

http://img12.imageshack.us/i/startrekdisappoint.jpg/">http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/2354/startrekdisappoint.jpg" border="0" />

We tried to invade Japan - we narrowly lost. Britain attacked and gained territory (albeit, by the eUS retreating in order to invade Japan). A resistance war was suppressed by Britain. We are now trying to get those eUS territories back.

This leads to my question, to the U.S. high command (Jewitt, et al): Just what do you think you are doing?

Clearly biting off more than we can chew is not the way to go. The eUS nearly collapsed because it squabbled over menial political details, and it did too little in the way of war. Now I fear that we could fall if we go to war too much. With our low Iron supplies, the eUS is at a disadvantage when fighting. No doubt this is why we were/are trying to get ourselves on to the Asian scene, where there are some critical territories with very high Iron. It was/is a good idea. However, so far, it has gone wrong.

What I would suggest is that we could simply "chill out" for a short while. Give time for our soldiers to train, fight in a few foreign allied wars, and restock our coffers with gold/$. Yes this would also give our enemies time do the same - however, as history has shown us, the eUS is very capable of standing up to just about any PEACE/Phoenix army. Perhaps one week of play without intense fighting could give as an advantage when go back to visit Japan.

http://img691.imageshack.us/i/hellokittytoaster.jpg/">http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2521/hellokittytoaster.jpg" border="0" />

P.S. Another question, this time to the eU.S. citizens: Just what do you think you are doing?

You voted out of office a very competent, active, and creative leader, Josh Frost, for what? The chance to invade Britain? Which now he says he's not going to do (though, to be fair, he did say that was something of a joke that the populous took seriously). Josh Frost was a very good president (and possibly the most adorable), and I think it unfair that the citizens of this nation did not grant him a second term. With that said, I like that Jewitt wants to get involved in Asia, I simply think he just did it too soon.

http://img31.imageshack.us/i/kittengodzilla.jpg/">http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4585/kittengodzilla.jpg" border="0" />
Josh Frost for January 2010?