Just small talk

Day 2,988, 18:09 Published in Canada France by ErickLeRouge

Just a small article about nothing really just my thoughts, before my 2 weeks’ vacation in Florida next Saturday

I would like to say it need a real man to win the 1976 Olympics decathlon in my home town, that’s what Bruce Jenner did in 1976 in Montréal or really was he really thinking like a women already when he was training for this. Really

After 3 weeks’ vacation in my place in Florida my brother and his girlfriend got cold and rainy thunderstorm weather I think the odds for me to have good temperature is good. Really

Donald Trump is a serious candidate for president of the United State or after electing a black person people in states are ready to vote for a women. Really

The gas at the pump is lower than I can remember in recent years. My flight is the cheapest one I paid in the last 5 years. The Canadian dollar is so low would impact my drinking and smoking. Really

Montréal Canadiens will win 9 in row again this year without Price they should make the series. Really

No war, no hunger, no climate change this year. Really
Poutine will be a nice guy this year, a Big Mac trio won’t make me shit out my body after eating it. Really

I will get a raise, a promotion, more weeks’ vacation, be treated like a human, not like a number in a bottom of a spread sheet. Really

Rolling Stone will not do another word tour. Pink Floyd reunited will, Aerosmith will, Gun’s and Roses will do a good show. Really

Hockey team Nordiques and Baseball Montréal Expos will come back. Really
I will be grand –father, I will ask my 15 years longtime girlfriend to come to live with me. Really

We can trust Macedonia or US or Collin 3. Really

I will now have my last beer. Really