Just another day in eMalaysia

Day 1,264, 04:26 Published in Malaysia USA by Megatronous Prime

Its another boring day in Emalaysia, since Kataffo and Allan Bru scam was exposed last week.Nothing much is going on here...I'm not too sure as to what plans the current CP is planning for us citizen.

I'm circling the globe trying to complete missions and try to gain as much strength as possible..So that I would be ready when my country needs me...Other then that, hmmm nothing much actually...

Since Kataffo is already permanently banned and ww88 is back..I guess its high time for Teming to return to Emalaysia..perhaps lay some plans for the country...

haih~~~ Its kinda boring these days for a newbie like me. I can't do much since I've just started playing. It doesn't help either with the slow economic progress in our country...

That's pretty much all from me this time..signing off ... O>