Just A Quick Article

Day 786, 11:52 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

Hi everyone. The Presidential office has been buzzing the past few days. I wanted to assure the cabinet members that contracts will be sent out shortly.

Boethiah has also been working on some great things. With that said, I just want to let everyone know that even though I am President and Boethiah is Vice President, we are both equal and I trust his judgment completely. He has the authority to accept or decline any ideas or proposals.

I would like to thank all the cabinet members and members of congress for the great job they've been doing. We really appreciate your hard work and dedication.

REMINDER: There will be a government meeting tomorrow in #Singapore-gov, 17:00 erep time. Which translates to:
Friday, January 15th, 5:00pm on the west coast of the U.S.and 8:00pm on the east coast. Saturday, January 16th, 1:00am in the UK.
Saturday, January 16th, 9:00am in Singapore.
Saturday, January 16th, 2:00am in Sweden.

This meeting is for members of the cabinet and for members of congress to come together and discuss current issues and concerns. Please PM Boethiah or myself if you will not be attending. This is an important meeting and we hope to see you all there.

Thank you for your time everyone. 🙂

Liz Boethiah - Grateful President of eSingapore and proud eWife of Boethiah