Just a little story to get this started.

Day 979, 09:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Diakun

I was driving home from the supermarket.
And I saw a boy scout from about 16 years old.
And I pulled over to take him on.
He comes up to me,
And he says.
I need to get to (enter name of town here).
And I was like, okay, so what is the town?
He said the name of a town.
I used my GPS,
but it doesn't exist.
And I try explaining to him,
And he totally freaks out,
He starts screaming on the street.
I thought I was being punk'd or something,
I calm him down.
And I asked him, do you know anything in the neighborhood,
He said another town.
I asked him,
Why do you need to get there?
Because I think it's on my way.
I was like, wtf.
But okay, I'll drive you,
It was only 12 miles.
He didn't say a word the entire drive, I asked him loads of questions.
Just got out of the car and said thank you.
I drove home.
With a ZOMG face the entire way.
I just want to know.
What the Hell happened?