Jumpstarting the Military

Day 645, 05:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Armed Forces

Congress is in. Taxes are being fixed as I write this. As promised, today is the day the eSouth African Armed Forces officially exist once more. There are a few things to cover in this article so I’ll try to keep it as short as possible.

1. Pretorian Guar😛 it already has one platoon formed(more of a test run, really), the recruitment pool is open once more for the unit’s colonel, Black8Shadow to start recruiting and forming two new shiny platoons.

The P.G will become, in time, a self-sufficient unit. With this in mind I’d like to announce the creation of a weapons company for soldiers to start creating the stock for the upcoming war-games. Another company will be created within the next weeks in order to help maximize productivity and spread the workforce as evenly as possible.

Members of the first platoon are expected to move home within the next few days.

2. Deployable unit: It’s in the works. The branch has a commanding officer and platoon commanders. Who they are will be announced lower down the page.

What will they do? The deployable branch of the eSouth African Armed Forces(eSAAF) will serve to offer “roaming” citizens a chance to be part of a collective effort. The unit will be involved in battles of the current World War and in any military conflicts that will follow.

The long-term view is to turn it into an elite combat unit that will make all the difference in combat.

3. CDA in the military? No.
Edit: At the President's request, members of the CDA party will not be denied access to military positions.

4. Appointments in the eSAAF:
Sir Valaro Volcrum has been appointed as commandant of the Deployable unit. He will be releasing an article regarding his plans for the unit and his appointments in terms of officers.

5. Recruitment: Sign up today!Here

That would be all, I hope.