Julian Anderson For President!! The candidacy for the National Union!

Day 1,227, 12:02 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by SLP Organization

Speech by Julian Anderson

"Dear Swiss,

We are now at five days of the presidential elections. Today we know the two candidates vying to take the presidency: Milanlazetic for the SNP, and I for the SRC. These elections, Swiss citizens have a choice between a candidate who has ruled the country for two months (Milanlazetic [January and February 2011]), and a candidate to represent the alternative, which proposes significant changes to our Nation! I hope that Swiss citizens will choose the best candidate will have broad responsibilities for a month! I believe in democracy, and I know they will make the right choice!


If I'm elected President, I would represent all the Swiss people, not a political party that would cause the exclusion of part of the population! I pledge to integrate members of the SNP government in my future governement! My policy will be made for dialogue between the two political parties, and I hope that together we can accomplish great policy that will change the life of our country! The first challenge we must realize is the merger of two banks! It is essential in a country to finish with banks representing political parties! It is now time to give Swiss people a real bank controlled by the government, whether the SNP or SRC! Under my presidency, we meet that challenge! In addition, he is also resuming our Today Romandie region to France! I pledge to do everything so that by the end of my presidency, Romandie is back in our territory! French is my native language, I hope to make it an advantage in negotiations.

These two challenges are not the only reforms that I want to set up! From the beginning of my presidency, I will put all my strength in the reshaping of our economy with tax reform, but also the intensive monitoring of market prices and market monetary Switzerland. I also give Switzerland a greater security, working with Congress on a National Anti-PTO, but also a reform of the naturalization!
All these words to say that under my chairmanship, the Government has much work to back up our country! 🙂

I also promise to be very active in my role as president! Switzerland needs an active president, who takes to heart his role, and put all his strength in progress! I am the President of the Reformation, the National Union and dialogue between all political forces in Switzerland! If you want change for our country, do not hesitate to vote for me on April 5 next! 😉

Failing to present the composition of my government (I'm currently working on his training), I suggest you watch my program that will outline of my policy, even if there could be changes on the ground!"

MoFE (Economy)

- Reform taxes.
- Merger of national banks. (Our Grand Challenge for Economics this month)
- Support for Swiss companies with establishing protectionism Thoughtful.
- Monitoring of our national currency and implemented actions in an emergency to save our economy.
- Creation of a Supervisory Board Awards (CSP).
- Work on Future of Economic Stimulus Plan, to act quickly in crises of the future.
- Fund large economic projects.


- European Sommit.
- Presidential Summit between two countries.
- Reform of Cartography Embassies.
- Organization of War training with Italy but also with Austria.
- Normalization of relations with France.
+ A return of Romandie in the country. (Our Grand Challenge for the month of April)
- Alliance with Italy.


- Create an emergency Budget of National Security (BNS).
- Creating stock of weapons and food in case of war.
- Training of Staff and dynamic asset in case of conflict.


- Creation of a SoS (Secretary of State for Solidarity), for helping young people and any other person difficulties, but also will serve as a guide for new players.
- Creation post of a prime minister who will have a role to assist and advise the President and to have a role to shuttle between the Government and Congress.
- Reform of the Congress with the help of naturalization.
- Establishment of a Government of national unity bringing together people from various backgrounds. Objective: To take the best in the country.
- National Plan Anti-PTO.

MoC (Communication)

- Official article every 3-4 days.
- Regular Balance Sheet of government.
- Publication of Final Balance Sheet of the Government.