Journal from the Training Corps

Day 1,446, 12:15 Published in USA USA by TDavis3000
(This is my first article so feel free to live tips and feedback about how I can improve it.)

From the moment I started playing this game, soldiers from the Training Corps welcomed me and showed me the ropes. I was given extensive instructions and direction about what to do in this game, how to do it, and where to find other people to talk to.

I am pleased to say that I graduated from the Training Corps recruitment program with honors, due in no small part to my exceptional LT, Rike Tosh. I have also met other great officers and have already seen some fine examples of the camaraderie in the Training Corps.

I hope to stay in the TC and assist in shepherding the next generation of players. This game is not very intuitive and it seems like some player guides are very helpful. I don't know if these people get paid by the EREPUBLIK staff, but they should!

Thanks for reading!