Jordan Miller for Olympia's Mayor - A Stronger Washington

Day 271, 21:04 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

My fellow Olympians,

Washington has experienced vast growth in the last month. We are now the fifth largest region in the country with 127 citizens! This is a great achievement. We are one of the fastest growing states in the US.

A fast growing state needs a strong leader, with good ideas, and a will to achieve them. I believe I can fill this role. I’ve already served as your mayor here in Olympia for one month, and I’m asking each and every one of you to cast your vote for me on the 20th of August and give me another mandate to continue doing great things for our state.

My agenda will be focused on raising statewide activity and dialogue so we can get things done. We need to know each other and talk with each other so we can understand what issues Olympians care about most. We need a gifting program to raise wellness, which will increase our working men and women’s productivity and help the national economy. We need a state fund to help buy gifts for citizens with low wellness, such as recently returned war veterans. We need to take our new citizens to heart and help them learn about eRepublik. We need to help them figure out how to post their CV so they can find a job to pay for food. Educate them in the finer points of eUSA politics so they can get involved as active members. Talk to them about becoming a soldier and joining the US military so they can help defend our nation.

We need a leader who can deliver these things. I can deliver these things, but I’m going to need your help. So please, on the 20th of August cast your vote for Jordan Miller of the USWP. If you have any questions about how to vote on the 20th, please send me a PM and I will gladly explain the process to you. If you have any other questions about eRepublik, or my views, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Thank you all for your time and trust. We’ll make Washington strong together!

-Jordan Miller, Mayor of Olympia, Washington