Jonathon Edwards, CPF Congressional Candidate

Day 2,133, 21:55 Published in Canada Spain by JonathonEdwards

I'll keep this short and sweet.

While I would have preferred continued membership in a small and friendly alliance like Asgard, CoT seems like a decent alternative. I believe that it may indeed serve us well, although I am somewhat concerned about how a small country like us may receive secondary priority by the larger and more influential nations. I will oppose any suggestion that we join TWO.

I also believe that ought to refrain from fighting in our occupied maritime provinces until the NAP lapses. If we were to break that word, and then find ourselves occupied again, how could we expect that oppressor to trust our word again??

I am a new name in this game, unknown to most of you. But I can promise activity and faithfulness - I'm not just a 2 Clicker. I was eborn just over a month ago, and yet I am already a Field Marshall in D2. I'm not sure if this is noteworthy or not, but it seems to be an accomplishment. My point is that I am active, and keeping up to date on the issues as much as I can.

On Wednesday, make sure you vote Canadian Progressive Front.

The Moose promises you good things.