Joint Chiefs of America

Day 964, 09:35 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii

I came to America 3 months ago. I had a great time in USA, and met many great people. I left after Battle of Slavonia. During that time I came to realize how USA functions. USA is a military dictatorship.

Here are the people who really run USA:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff NXNW
Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff jankems
Commanding Officer of the Training Corps Bia Pandora
Executive Officer of the Training Corps Nuriessa
Commanding Officer of the National Guard jankems
Executive Officer of the National Guard Trista Devonaire
Commanding Officer of the Mobile Infantry Seuss
Executive Officer of the National Guard GoalieBCSC
Commanding Officer of Army Group West Jason the Great
Executive Officer of Army Group West bombonato
Commanding Officer of Army Group East Aang Airbender
Executive Officer of Army Group East Quanah Parker
Commanding Officer of the Airborne Channing
Executive Officer of the Airborne William T. Mountain
Commanding Officer of the Marines Paradiziac
Executive Officer of the Marines Deificus
Commanding Officer of the Strategic Air Command Rod Damon

And there is a number of others who hang around in the JCS channel whose names aren't on any list. These people are unelected by the government, and can't even be removed by the government. In any other country you have a Department of Defense, where the responsibility lies with the Secretary of Defense. If he messes up, he's removed by the President, and if the President who appointed him is deemed responsible, he's impeached or simply not re-elected. In America however, the people who run the JCS are unaccountable to no one.

Last month, with nxnw on vacation, jankems was the one in charge. At the Battle of Northwest Croatia, he decided not to tank there, even though a good chunk of Croatian economy is there. On the last day of battle in V1, all of EDEN and Phoenix had orders to do kamikaze attacks in the Battle of Slavonia. He barely approved some tanking just before the end of battle, and refused to kami in Slavonia, so that his productivity isn't affected. Even this had to take a lot of convincing on the part of Croatian govt. It didn't worry him that most of the Croatian companies are in Slavonia. It doesn't matter that every other major Croatian ally was ordering military and civilian personnel to kami. It doesn't matter that there wasn't going to be a war module for the first ~2 weeks of V2, thus giving plenty of time everyone to recover their health. Other Croatian allies kami'd, and when V2 rolled in, they all had their health restored to maximum. The battle was lost by 150k.

Battle [ID 11155]: Serbia vs Croatia in region Slavonia

Croatia 2108 Fighters : Damage - 3,813,562

USA 680 fighters, : Damage - 780,966 (Via MPP)

Battle [ID 10604]: USA vs Serbia in region Liaoning

USA 3035 Fighters : Damage - 3,667,424

Croatia 795 Fighters : Damage - 1,321,754 (Via Traveling)

90 of foreign policy is where you place your DMG. The funniest part about all this is that along with Canada, Croatia is America's best, most trusted, and favorite ally. A lot of talk goes into talking about Broatia and Broatians, but when the chips are down, everyone saw who did what in Slavonia. The battle was lost on DMG that jankems could've easily ordered. Yet jankems is unaccountable to no one. Who's he supposed to be accountable to? The Congress elections are a sham, because Congressmen don't really get to decide anything of value. The presidency is also treated as a joke, as last month's President decided to attack Alaska without any consultation even with his own military staff, let alone his allies. He even stated that he attacked Alaska as a favor to Croatia, so that the battle is some sort of damage drain. What a joke. It's incompetency squared, and accountability nowhere in sight.

The President before that last one even publicly stated that the JCS don't allow him in their channel. After a public outrage the Congress went out and changed the Constituition so that the President is Commander-in-chief of the armed forces. How about that. Then the JCS created another channel where the President could talk to them. How about that.

USA has alienated most of its allies with the behavior of this secretive group of military honchos (read glorified 2 clickers) and is now doing it yet again. 3 months ago USA even had a deal with Hungary and Serbia where they agreed not to attack each other in Asia, and in turn they would keep EDEN out of there. China was even offered rent for Lionking and Hello Kitty, but they refused. When the plans for Hello Kitty were made, USA refused to commit to the attack. Only after the battle was won by EDEN, USA had prominent JCS members tanking in the last minutes of the battle so USA can get into battle stats. Also, when The President 2 months ago decided to declare war on Serbia, JCS publicly criticized the move. Hmmm. And now they have the military not show up in Slavonia. Hmmm.

JCS isn't even allowed in the EDEN planning channels because they can't be trusted, since they've been known to leak battle plans to Phoenix. Hell, these are the guys that decide to tank in Sindh, a region that can easily be swapped, instead of fighting in Prekmurje. The fact that Slovenia survived that battle has led to 4 months of losses for EDEN all over Europe, and Croatia's inability to swap to Western Europe. And after being criticized for it, what did USA do? The leadership decided to leave EDEN. Great job, leaving your allies in a lurch, and then leaving the alliance, but keeping the benefits of having EDEN protection.

The interesting part about all this is that Croatia still remains loyal to USA despite everything. Croatian leaders were the ones who stopped the invasion of USA 2 months ago, and were then criticized for it by an array of countries. If this is how America treats its most important ally, why do you think USA isn't respected in the world? The Croatian MPP is probably the only thing keeping USA from being invaded, since Croatia has half the world on its side, due to a history of honorable dealings.

So now that USA isn't in the Brotherhood of nations that is EDEN, it is not obligated to act as a brother. Some of the talk is still there, but despite all its talk, the responsibilities that American leadership had are gone, as well as the moral sense of it. When was the last time you saw someone say HAIL USA?

The Croatian economy is now ruined, the country is down to 4 regions. I just worked yesterday in Croatia for 0.002 gold per hour. The country is having a hard time to prepare for defense with all the companies and thousands of people trapped in enemy territory. Attacks from Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are expected as soon as the war module starts again. To top it all off, MPPs in all those wars seem to have been canceled. If that turns out the case, it will be extremely difficult to defeat Hungary one on one in Northwest Croatia, and Serbia in Slavonia.