Joining together and working today, for a better tomorrow

Day 1,163, 13:42 Published in Pakistan USA by misteriosa

Dear ePakistani people,

Pakistan has had many ups and downs in these past few weeks. We gained regions, we lost regions, we had new people coming, and some valuable ones leaving, and many, many different things going on. Also, these last presidential terms had very different politics and outcomes. December was the Month of War, active, with many wars, wins (later losses), talks, hanging out. January was/is the Month of Peace, passive, trying to reestablish some things, chill, rest. Now what to do?

I am running for country presidency in February, the Month of Love. It’s not ‘Month of Love’ because of Valentine’s Day, or because cats tend to make little kitties and make sure everyone knows about it, but because Pakistan really needs all the love and hard work it can get, if we plan on making it a nice normal country again.

I won’t lie to you, my primary goal isn’t any sort of baby boom. I don’t want to fetch babies and drag them here, so they could only see ruins, havoc, lack of any sort of organisation. Plus, let’s face the fact, me not being a rl Pakistani makes my chance of doing something like that equal to zero. My focus is on something else. So now, I am presenting you my campaign:

ePakistan in February: Operation Build-up

Like I already said, my goal isn’t ‘making a baby boom’. My goal is to keep the ones that click ‘Register’ button, to welcome them personally to the game, to show them around, to make some tutorials that are simple and nice (and up to date), to introduce them to the community, to make them feel welcomed and useful. Actually, not just them, I want everyone to feel welcomed and useful.
My government won’t be created by ‘I think you’d be good for that part of cabinet/I need people there’ principle. I want all of you to engage yourselves and work for Pakistan. I want you to come and tell me where do you think you’d be of greatest help where you’d feel most comfortable. And don’t give me the ‘nah, I am not good for anything’ excuse, we all have our talents, and we could all pitch in and benefit from it. And also don’t give me the ‘nah, I don’t have the time for it’ excuse either, because I am not asking you to dedicate all of your time to Pakistan. When a bigger group of people is sharing the work, a lot more can be done in a lot less time. So there, one more reason for applying for work. One can’t know true people’s potential if he/she doesn’t give them a chance to prove themselves, let them help in any segment. I am waiting for you to show me yours.
The Ukranian lot, some from your side said you are here to work for Pakistan. Prove it. Join. We don’t bite and there is some place for everyone, as long as they are playing nicely. However, if the game turns dirty, we turn them to dust. Simple. So, if your goals are pure, you have nothing to worry about. 😉

My other tasks for the next term are:
- creating one normal army for everyone. The base has been set, things just need to be implemented, and we’re back on track.
- bringing the economy back to life. We’ve all been struck hard by these recent admins’ changes, but we must adapt and turn the situation in our favor. My goal is to orient Pakistan around certain industries which we can really cover, and move away from the things that don’t benefit us, or are hazy once again, due to admins, so we must check their statuses. We should also focus on exporting our goods to other countries, and create a steady influx of gold. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount of gold, but it is important that it exists and we can count on it.
- I already said some things about keeping our young players in. We also need to keep our old players in, because many of them are not satisfied with Pakistan’s current condition. Yes, I am planning on making people work in country communes, but each and every one of them would be granted some paycheck (not the top market one, but they’d be able to save some money), plus food for eating every day. If they are in the army, they’ll get food and weapons to fight a little as well.
- Pakistan has some bonds with several countries. However, those connections have weakened over time, so, it’s about time that we either bring those good connections and good bonds back, or we let them go and go find ourselves some new friends. Yes, you heard me correctly - I am looking for countries that will be our friends, not our slaves that we’ll talk to only when we need something.
All of these, plus some minor details I have up my sleeve will create a solid basis for the presidents about to come, so they can build up more, and make Pakistan the best eCountry one can live in. That is, if you let me become the head of it next month.

These are my former cabinet jobs, in these 19 months of my eLife, just so you know about my previous responsibilities in the eWorl😛

eBosnia and Herzegovina
- Leader of the Welcoming Committee - 3 terms
- Minister of Social Affairs - 1 term
- Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs - 2/3 of one term (😃)
- Country Co-President (yes, not vice president, but co-president) - 1 term
- Congress Member - 3 terms
Those are the most prominent ones.

- Minister of Defense - 1.5 term
- Vice President - 1 term
- Congress Member - 2 terms (just began my third term)
- lead auctions for Resistance Hero medals to earn some money for the country. with a great success rate

We all want ePakistan to prosper. But no one can do it alone. So I’m asking you, come with me, share the love. Let’s have fun.
You can send me a private message ingame, or contact me on IRC. I am mostly on Rizon server, just /query misteriosa, or look for me in #ePakistan
Looking forward to talking to you.

Oh, and I have couple of more messages for some individuals and all those who might think alike. You are saying now that you want ‘the best person run for presidency of Pakistan. And yet some were very vocal couple of months ago, saying that ‘presidency should be divided to one month Dioist-another month RL Paki’, and refusing to choose a better person for the CP seat because it was ‘RL Paki turn’, and then with time ‘miraculously changing your perspectives’. I am not saying ‘ok, it’s Dioist turn’, because that’s not my way of thinking, so I am not stooping down to such levels. I am just saying you should think before changing political views so much. Doesn’t suit you 😉 And I also want the best person to be the CP, so I am just going to prove to you that I am that person 😉
And to our other two presidential candidates, stick to some principles of yours. You can’t for example (hypothetical example) yell around about Dioists ‘not deleting the extra parties although rl Pakistanis were forced to do so with theirs’ trying to make a scandal out of it, and then deciding to leave one of the ‘extra parties’ because it’s convenient for you, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to run. 😉


With Love