Join us for the ....PROMOTION PARTAY!!!!!!!

Day 682, 05:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Top Gun

Hey all,

As some of you may of noticed through stalking both 5n4keyes' and my own shouts,
We have been syncing up to hold a joint ceremony to celebrate the promotion of Ireland's first two Field Marshals (No,Collins doesn't count 😉 )

We invite you to join us for the special moment and party afterwards,taking place on the eIrish IRC channel at 6pm Irish time ( 10:00 eRep)

Entertainment for the night will include pantless Nith,Kolshire wearing a blouse and of course,picking on Padraig_Pearse.

Make sure to get there early and bring your healthy dose of Tamiflu,should Vyse's catering be contaminated.

Hoping to see you all there to celebrate this historic moment,

5n4keyes and Top Gun