Join the Real ANA!

Day 696, 09:28 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

Members of the African National Alliance!

These elections have proven that your opinion counts nothing to your new Party President Ajay. You never wanted him. Yet he ran. You never supported him. Yet he claimed that my candidacy was PTO, and you, the real members of ANA, PTOers. You never voted him. Yet he won.

This proves one thing: Ajay doesn't care about you. He only cares about himself. The party he won the elections in his not your party, it is his, and his silent friends' party.

So..Why not leave him behind? We can't stop him from voting himself with multies..But he can't stop us from leaving his party! If you want to join the real ANA, that is not full of clones, that is not a puppet of Ajay..

Come and join your ANA, the True ANA!

Want a respected party? - I am not Ajay Bruno! I won't promote idiotic articles, useless trolling and hatred towards everyone but me. Instead, I will collaborate with others, and instead of directing our energy towards dubious TOs, and hatred, I will channel our power to the construction of eSA hand in hand with the rest of the society!

Want a true leader? - I offer you myself! I am very active, involved, and I always take your opinion in consideration. Want me gone? I will go, and I won't come back to haunt you even months later. Want me here? I will be honored by your wish, and do all I can for the party and eSA!

Want to do something different then the daily routine? - I will give you ideas! I will give you work! I will give you support! This ANA will have projects, contests..Everything your heart desires.

I am waiting old, and new members alike! Come, and let's build a new, proud, powerful ANA together!'>Join now!

The TRUE President of ANA