Join The Party

Day 362, 17:37 Published in United Kingdom USA by Peregrine

Are you having a hard time breaking in to your party or country?

Do you find that business and politics in your country or party aren't providing you with the support you need?

Do you think your domestic media is seriously lacking in fun? Or that your government doesn't really know what its doing?

Are you a long-time player and bored with certain aspects of eRep?

Well, there's a new game in town, and you can -

Join The Party - South Africa awaits!


Pretoria, South Africa

Last week INGSOC dispatched Father, Teacher, Watcher, and Director to Pretoria.

Immediately Party Members established provisional Ministries of Truth, Government, Peace, Plenty, Silly Walks, and Love. Minitrue marked party identification number 1872 as doubleplusungood CRIMETHINK, and it was subsequently rectified fullwise in joint action by the Provisional Miniluv and Minigov1.

Provisional Ministries now fullwise enabled, and ready to support new membership for the benefit of Party Members and Proles.

Miniplenty marks Peacewise as doubleplusgoodprod. New prod to follow in all domains for the employment of Party Members.

South African Proles are invited to consider membership in The Party at any time, as are all international citizens.

Miniplenty guarantees a living wage to all workers, and offers training and assistance in making your personal economic goals a reality.

Minigov guarantees all Party Members an opportunity to serve The Party through service in congress and government at all levels - and a Youth League for all Party Members below level 12 to advance quickly.

Minipax offers Party Members wages in ZAR and Gold to fight for The Party in wars around the world. Minipax is involved in every war worldwide, so the opportunities are endless.

Minitrue sets goal of making domestic media the most entertaining to participate in, in the world.

Miniluv rectifies, fullwise.

Miniwalks ensures that Silly Walks receive the necessary government funding for research and development.

The Party is a party of Governance, and will seek to influence SA politics to the benefit of all Party Members and Proles - but more importantly The Party is a group of active and fun citizens that will want to make sure that everyone who wants to is enjoying themselves a bit more.

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

Infolinks for doubleplusgoodthink
(Questions answered by Miniluv)
(Membership only open to Party Members)

More information also available at:
