Join the Dixie Liberation Front today

Day 2,552, 05:25 Published in USA USA by SAR97

Hello! My name's SAR97, and I'm the Party President of the Dixie Liberation Front.

I wanted to offer you any help you may need. You'll find it's hard to get involved in the game, but I promise you, if you seek out help and try, it's always possible to have loads of fun here!

I want to invite you to join my party, the Dixie Liberation Front as well. We're not a massive party, but rather a group of tight-nit individuals who love the game, help each other out, and give new players the chance they really deserve to get involved. In a big party, you're a number, a lowly member, and barely looked after, but I promise we'll help you all the way here. With loads of jobs open, opportunities, help, and more, we're always here for you, and that's the biggest difference between us and other parties.

Our party includes a founder of an extremely successful Charity, a former United States Secretary of Homeland Security, and loads more. As you can see, we have experience, a great community, and lots of potential fun to be had.

I really hope you'll consider joining us. If you have questions or are interested, please don't hesitate at all to send me a message!

I hope you enjoy the game, and whether you join us or not, I hope to hear back from a new friend!

If interested in joining,
Party go here:
Army of Northern Virgina go here:
Just interested in support or finding out the latest info go here: