Join freedom party o/

Day 1,705, 05:23 Published in Egypt Romania by Don Ori

Dear people of occupied Egypt,

As you all know, party of free people of Egypt was PTOed and renamed, so we made a new shelter for ourselves with help of our friends from UeS party located in Serbia (Ujedinjena eSrbija).

All of you that are against Croatian PTO join Egyptian sunrise party and stay with us in antiPTO actions.

As a party leader i can only promise that i will keep our fight opened and that i will take care for our members if they need any kind of help like food or weapons.
Soon we will open public discussions on chat, but you will be informed more about it.

Once again i would like to thank all of people from party UeS in Serbia who helped us, as well others who were there for us.

Todays donations:
Zemlja Cuda has transfered 200 EGP to your account.
Zemlja Cuda has transfered 200 food to your storage.
UeS political party has transfered 5 Gold to your account.
New-and-Now has transfered 500 EGP to your account.
Simonovic94 has transfered 10000 EGP to your account.
Wirtschaftsprufer has transfered 3000 EGP to your account.
ivanhoe31 has transfered 500 EGP to your account.
nenopg has transfered 500 EGP to your account.