Jobs, Prosperity, Wealth... Come to the Land of the Rich

Day 378, 15:12 Published in United Kingdom Canada by John Wilkmot

Come to Canada everyone, wages rise daily from a huge shortage of workers and the employee is in demand!!

With a strong currency, great community and excellent job opportunities... Canada is the place to be?

Are you at a job with 93 other employees making nothing for your company and getting paid minimum wage? Come to Canada, we'll even pay for your ticket over!

But wait, theres more... come in the next few days and we can GUARANTEE you will be employed in a flash.

So heres what you do, message Alexander Rearden ( and tell him that you want to immigrate to Canada and that John Wilkmot sent you.

With out new citizen incentive program it could not be a better time.

eCanada... Land of Opportunity