Job Offers galore

Day 2,408, 17:59 Published in Ireland Canada by Natster

Ever since I wrote my article on the economy and how I tend to be leaning away from the commune ideas, I have received numerous offers of working on a commune. Maybe it's a test of my metal, but I am politely turning them down. They try to say that it will work out to more than what I am making now. That may be true, but I also believe that the wage belongs to the worker and not to the owners of the company. It doesn't appear that the government only collects tax on the employees wages and not on the production of the employees. So, by paying your employees via a gift also slows down how much the government can fund military units.

I firmly believe that companies need to seriously look at this important tidbit. The reason military supplies may not be as forthcoming is that the government is not getting as much income as it should. LET THE MONEY CHANGE HANDS!

There's a way to address this (maybe creatively)

Twas a day in the life of Natster
When offers of jobs came in faster
And Much to his chagrin
Couple of tanks offered as pin
Yet he would not allow them to be his Master

Clan Wolf! Freedom lies in the players ability to play freely!