Job Offers by United Industries

Day 390, 14:17 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

United Industries, a loose conglomerate of allied organizations, has several job openings it would like to fill in order to achieve its economical goals.

Please consider these job offerings with a positive outlook:

Job Offers with United Industries

Kosher Foods (A food company)
3 @ Skill 2 paying 7 USD/Day
3 @ Skill 3 paying 9 USD/Day
3 @ Skill 4 paying 12 USD/Day

Be Well Gifts (A gift company)
4 @ Skill 3 paying 9 USD/Day
3 @ Skill 4 paying 12 USD/day

Amber Waves (A grain company)
1 @ Skill 2 paying 6 USD/Day
2 @ Skill 3 paying 9 USD/Day

All companies associated with United Industries are Equal Opportunity Employers.