JIS: Wargames Update (7th October)

Day 688, 02:25 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Interior Service

The current round of war games is entirely hosted within Lithuania, you can find the current battles here:
Remember that these are only practice battles so stick to Q1 weapons and refrain from using wellness packs and gifts, unless you are rich that is!

The purpose of war games are twofol😛
*To train up your military rank with ~5 barehanded and Q1 weapon fights, moving up the weapon quality scale as your income increases.
*To maintain your wellness around ~90 via military hospitals.

For more detailed advice please visit our tutorial's wellness page:

Today's battle is in Samogitia!
This battle will end at on the 8th of October 2009 at 12:08.

Make sure that you discuss your military exploits with the rest of the eJapan community at: