JIS: Please offer 1.01 JPY for Skill 0.

Day 670, 08:39 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Interior Service
Business owners!

The JIS provides a safety net for new citizens, if private sector skill 0 jobs are not available - there will ALWAYS be a selection of public sector JIS skill 0 jobs with a 1 JPY wage.

Currently there are private companies offering 1 JPY wages for skill 0 - how can we offer a safety net if the private jobs are filled while not having government companies compete when private jobs are available?

The solution is simple: If you wish to employ a skill 0 worker, please offer them a 1.01 JPY wage.
This will cause citizens to choose your company over the JIS companies, while hardly raising your costs at all!

It will take 10 days employing 10 skill 0 workers for you to lose a single JPY increasing your skill 0 offers in this way, so please make the change to 1.01 JPY - it saves the government money and get you workers more quickly!

Thank you!