JIS: Citizen of the Week #4.

Day 684, 12:19 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Interior Service

Every week JIS will be highlighting a single special citizen for special treatment, recognizing their contributions to Japan.
This could be a Journalist, Businessman, Congressman, Party President, Minister or Country President.
If you think that yourself, a friend or a colleague is deserving of this title, please post a message on our forums with a short blurb about their life and contributions!

This week we honor Reiji Mitsurugi for his contributions to eJapanese culture:
Reiji Mitsurugi ("御剣令治") is a Congressman in the Imperial Diet of Japan, the Speaker of Congress and the Minister of Internal Affairs. He is also an entrepreneur, a nationalist philosopher, soldier, diplomat and theologian. Reiji received a grand classical education at the famous Tokyo Imperial University that included Japanese, English and Chinese language, as well as western philosophy. He then went on to explore the varied fields of Business, the Military and Journalism before moving onto Politics.

As a Congressman, Mitsurugi rapidly became one of the most visible members of the Japanese Government as he made a point of being heard on almost every issue. From military funding to welfare programs to foreign policy, the Congressman's unique style of antiquated, flowery speech could be heard in the Diet on any matter.

It was this outspoken nature, along with his unique language abilities, that saw Mitsurugi selected for important positions. Transcending party lines, Mitsurugi is one of the few members of the Government able to stay in power as Presidents change. His crowning achievement was being the principal author of the the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire. With this great document, Reiji has worked hard to ensure that his ideas are carried far into the future.

Reiji has had this short summary of his biography added to the eJapan Portal on the eRepublik Wiki:

Previous Winners:
Week #1: Emperor Kokawayoshi Makoto
Week #2: President Minamoto Yoritomo
Week #3: Minister Kita Ikki
Week #4: Minister Reiji Mitsurugi