Jimmy Olsen for the Aloha State!

Day 730, 19:07 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Olsen

That's right! I will be temporarily eschewing my military career to join the ranks of the american congress! You might be wondering what I have to bring to the table. Well, quite simply I have the experience, the knowledge, and the guts to do what's right for the country.

My Résumé

--11 months of playing eRepublik
--7 months of involvement in the USA Military
--Democratic Party Elder and Director of Education
--eNOVA Founding Member, Councilman, and Director of Mentoring
--Current eUSA Ambassador to South Africa
--Eucalyptus eHoldings Group: Shareholder and Stockbroker
--Hanson Industries Director of Customer Service

As you can see, I have been involved in eRepublik for almost a year now. This means that I have the know-how and the will to make the eUnited States of America the best country in the New World. How will I do this you ask? Well read on!


I will be running a no-nonsense, game-mechanics oriented campaign. I will not let partisan politics dictate my voting, instead letting my knowledge of game-mechanics be my judge of what is best for the country. I am a member of the Democratic party, however, I will be running under the banner of America's Advancement Party


I support an American tax plan that can sufficiently support the USA government. I don't claim to be an expert on the expenditures and cost of running a nation, and will therefore defer to "expert" opinions on what American tax rates should be. As long as these tax rates can support a strong military, maintain domestic programs, and build a reserve for rainier days, I will approve them. However, I must also look out for the well-being of the common man, and will therefore NOT approve of any tax change >25%, with the exception of a strategic, universal-import-blocking high import tax, assuming that it has been properly debated.

MPPs and Alliances

I support a neutral America who is able to defend her own interests in the world. This does not mean abandoning our friends in EDEN and our bro Canada. I will gladly approve of MPPs with long-time friends and allies in good standing with the USA. I will also approve of MPPs with certain neutral or formerly PEACE affiliated countries that provide a strategic advantage for the United States and her interests.

Domestic programs

I support government-run domestic programs for the betterment of eUS citizens of all ages, specifically new citizens. Once these programs are created/restarted, they need to be maintained. This means active, involved players leading them. A portion of government funds should go to compensating program managers to ensure that they are active and maintain their programs.


I support a strong, centralized military. In fact, I feel that the military needs to be even stronger and more powerful than they already are. This means that they need to be given as much money as possible to supply our soldiers. I believe that a majority (>85😵 of our nation's gross income needs to be invested in the military.


Partisanship is something that I cannot stand for. It only serves to get in the way of progress and national goals. It is for this reason that I will never judge a person by his or her political affiliation, and instead by the policies that they introduce and support and the manner in which they conduct themselves.

I feel that I am more than qualified for this position, and I hope that you agree with me! Remember, go out on the 25th and vote! Make your voice heard! Vote for Intelligence! Vote for Experience! VOTE FOR JIMMY OLSEN!!!


Mr. Hyphenated
-Acting PP of the Democratic Party AKA The Game-mechanics party

-Former PP of the Federalist Party

More to come...

Respectfully Submitted,