Jesus, what is it with this guy?

Day 859, 14:20 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

After talking it over with Albert, and a few others, I've decided to put my hat into the presidency ring. I was a bit worried about being divisive and especially with my track record (the whole Matteos thing) I felt it might be out of line for me to run again against an established eThai citizen, but if there's a way to call a primary of sorts (which I've been told there is) to find a unity candidate, hey that could be fun, or the worst idea ever in the history of mankind, but, no pressure right. I did enjoy being President, it was much more fulfilling than I thought it would be, and was planning on running again before Albert announced.

That being said, I'm not the greatest of politicians, I'm not good at campaigning, and I'm not going to make a bunch of promises. I can tell you that I'm very active, as anyone who visits our irc, forums and messages me in game can tell you. I will continue on working to get active groups of citizens into our fair country, ie. the Chinese and Slovenians (something which I'm sure Albert would continue if he were elected as well).

I would like to think I made some sound decisions this term and did a decent amount of work last month to warrant me another crack at this. I will still push for better military organization. We have some extremely strong individuals, and if we can organize our elites into a cohesive unit, we'd be rather formidable.

Granted I did fail on some of the things I wanted to do, I wasn't able to set up a New Citizen message, and due to some extenuating circumstances, wasn't able to get as many people involved as I'd like to have. Now with school out for most people, we can refocus those efforts.

With regards to economics, I'm pretty much with Albert on this one, I'll let Jimmy, Vincent, and Loouman do their thing, and not interfere with the good work they've been doing.

That's about it, once we figure out a good date,time, place, and method to the primary, I guess we'll let you know.

Thanks. Sorry for doing this, AGAIN.

oh P.S. Denmark is still evil and I will continue to strive to remove their taint of oppression from our souls.

Also, a random picture is

It's an endorsement, he told me to do it, although I don't know how an endorsement from a former Chinese General, Former Sol General, and current Aussie helps much, but, It gives ya something to look at anyway. Thanks Jameson. (oh yeah he has a good face too, or so I'm told.)