JerryTan? Congress? WTF again?

Day 699, 19:35 Published in Singapore Singapore by JerryTan

Let's welcome this picture and let it be my icon...
Maybe not

I'm announcing that I will be running for congress AGAIN

For a whole of the last 4 months, I kept running and bla, bla, bla and I never win. This time, I PRAY hard. I pray I will get to the congress. You may ask, why this guy kept running and never kena? You ask me, I ask who? Nobody knows, that's why!

Can't think of anything to start with, I took references from other citizen's congress article.

Brief introduction
I am JerryTan, a citizen born in Singapore on Day 509, 13 April 2009. I went to Indonesia not long after, before 5th May, I came back and vote and went to eNK, after a few weeks I came back and stay in Singapore for good. I did went to Canada briefly on 16 July and came back on 22 July just in time for the July elections then I stayed in Singapore throughout till now. I have had no government job till now although I was offered once.

Government Positions
Currently, no ideal tax has been thought of.
Keep wargames as it is.
Create a department of collecting important events that can be referred to as an archives.
Add in new positions in government like the Ministry of Finance.
Maybe try to persuade someone to publish a thorough guide to eRepublik
Keep Torchwood and Homeguard(Hope I got this right)
Can't think of anything else.

Currently the economy is not doing very good, moving tickets are not used because of the hassle of getting citizenship but however, it can be used of helping some countries in their internal conflict. Food has become an additional item as having is quite a chore as it wastes space an d does not do anything better than getting your wellness in shape. Gifts are unnecessary as hospital can be used after fighting withou the use of gifts except someone who is trying to be a war hero. The weapon market has become so saturated that it could not make money.

Thus, I believe my position in the congress would be beneficial as in the way I know the economy. However, I admit I'm not a uber active citizen and thus do not have a thorough understanding of the game mechanic. Now I will end this article.

Written by:
A veteran in politics
20 October 2009