JDS - Update and November Report

Day 2,574, 23:49 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Good afternoon, Australia!

Here we are with a quick rundown of what the JDS has been up to in November.

But first – a quick refresher of how it works…

Remember this is to help young and D1 Australian Citizens get started in the game (to counter the inevitable comment from Guagature – an ancient Canadian 🙂 )

First, there are a list of 19 tasks that should form a good guide to help you get started in the game. These are here...

There’s 24 gold up for grabs here for completing these so enough to get you up and running.

One of the exciting things in November was that we introduced a new task around the idea of commune farming. This was Rusty D’s master plan and so far it’s working well.

The basic idea is you work every day for a week for an additional gold bonus. Some employers give more but the minimum you get is 1 gold for working 7 days straight.

Sweet eh?

This gives your employer great productivity and enables them to make more products.

You can then buy these each month at discount prices.

Basically you should be working every day anyway to get those Hard Worker medals, so this is really getting paid twice for doing your job!

Also, don’t be swayed by people offering higher daily wages that aren’t part of this program – overall you will make far, far more overall working in one of these commune jobs.

The current employers on this are

Rusty D



so speak to them to get involved.

For more detail please see these articles which explain things a little better:


And particularly here

But this is the November report – so here’s the numbers for last month...

We started November with 78 Gold and 92,945 AUD.

During November we helped out three players with free gold.

Between them they completed 11 tasks for 12 gold.

Two dear friends of the JDS each donated 10 gold in November – these were JHead and Guagature, so thank you both very much for your contributions.

(Remember the JDS is completely privately funded by donation – so if you are ever feeling flush drop me a line J )

Finally, as the commune farming plan got underway, the JDS contributed 4 gold to that scheme.

So overall that’s 16 gold out and 20 gold in which meant we finished the month on 82 gold.

Also, thanks to endorsements we made an additional 550 AUD – so we finished November on 93,045 AUD.

All in all we could do much better than this – this is a great scheme and we just need Aussie young and old to support it.

If you think you qualify for any gold for completing tasks (and are not an elderly Canadian…) give me or any of the government a shout.

And whenever anyone anywhere sees the JDS article up please vote it and shout it so that it gets onto the front page as soon as possible.

Lovely stuff. Any questions just fricking ask, yeah?

Director JDS