Jasonwazza is MAD

Day 1,765, 04:38 Published in Australia Australia by infin

I enjoy the lulz of erep. It is important not to take things too seriously because it is a Web-based browser game. But every now and again someone special comes along who gets extra mad and extra serial. I admit that when I first joined the game that was me but now I have learned to sit back relax and smoke a cigar.

Jasonwazza has gone full retard and started spewing out some beautiful raging, it really makes me feel warm inside when he puts that much effort into writing hateful articles.

You know when your opposition are going off that you must be doing something right. Jasonwazza is so bent with the anger over his own government's failed term that he has only one outlet which is to rage at the current government. Jaszonwazza is now officially MAD.

But every now and then when I am on the receiving end, I know I have to take it as good as I get. So when someone is trying to get me mad, I am all like:

Cos you are new kid I am gonna do you a solid just this once and call the wahmbulance for you:

But remember in the future just keep calm because right now DD and the Cabinet are in our bunker right now like this:

Love ya work!