Japan cannot into South Korea

Day 901, 05:08 Published in South Korea Belgium by jackdaknife

Hey everyone, long time no see. It's Jackdaknife, just came back yesterday to help in the fight with the IMPERIALIST PIGS who have decided to put the fate of South Korea out of the presidents and congress and into their own.

We are all pretty much asking why. After some 10 minutes research I have come to the conclusion that they are invading the nation because they are bored. Bad isn't it? Well if you know anything about Japan you know its bad. They sold out there own beliefs and their own nation for nothing. They want something to do and they aren't about to just sit there being a Righteous Nation anymore. And this is the truth.

I have been reading that eSK is considered a failed nation. Quite the opposite my dear sir. South Korea (or Corea, i'm from UK in RL and we spell it Korea) has been under attack in every way possible, hacking presidents, attacking the Marketplace & MM, invasions and PTO's left, right and center. But there she is getting stronger everyday and with the patriots of South Korea still standing strong and saying her name with pride, singing her anthem with honour.

I regret leaving eSK now, and plan to return one day. Until then I always feel when I log on Erepub that eSK is where I truly belong, no matter my nationality or commitment to any other e-group or e-country, I truely believe in eSK and its people.

Peace & Love