January Congressional Election Result

Day 433, 01:19 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

The congress election for Month of January had finished, and our results are out. Our congress for this month is made up of 36 members; all who should serve Japan well, and should represent the people of Japan within the government. So without further delay, here are your congressmen for month of January.

Election Result:
Total votes: 76
Presence: 17.55%

National Alliance Party: 20 Congressmen (40 Votes)
Farzad DL
Kenji Tomohiro
Kogarashi Hazuki
Makoto Ichijoji
Osamu Nakamura

Tequila Fitness Club: 6 Congressmen (15 Votes)
Al Dente

United Bushi of Nihon: 5 Congressmen (11 Votes)
Enjie Sung
Hitoshi Makoto
Tadahito Kato

Japanese Labour Party: 3 Congressmen (3 Votes)
King B
Yamato Suzuki

National Party of Japan: 1 Congressman (5 Votes)

Green Party of eJapan: 1 Congressman (2 Votes)

It seems the success of National alliance Party continues, winning 55% of the congress for this month. National Alliance Party now have majority of the congress, and only 11% off from the unbeatable 66% majority. They have many new congressmen, and new citizen base, which can continue its power in the future, and have long term stability. It almost seem as though it is number one choice of party for new citizens. With all new citizen base, and active members, National Alliance Party seems to be able to exert great amount of influence into Japanese politics. National Alliance Party now hold both the Presidency and the Congress. Is National Alliance Party gaining too much power, or does other party need to reorganize, and fabricate new plans, new idea or both to attract more citizens into their party?

Furthermore, the second most populated party, National Party of Japan had completely lost power in last few months. Now with King Waseem away from Japan, Most likely National Party of Japan is lacking active and capable leader to guide them. This month, they had captured lone seat of 1, and that is a sign that this party may soon go inactive. It seems the power which National Party of Japan had held 4 month ago is no longer present, for they no longer have ability to control majority of Japanese government.

Japanese Labour party, after its reconstruction emerges again as Japanese party, no longer filled with Mafia Iranians. This month, they were able to win 3 of the congress seat, guided by the talented and active leader, GLaDOS. They are party to watch out in the future, and it is most likely predicted to gain more power in future, to become one of the main powers of Japanese politics. United Bushi of Nihon, continue to put candidate into the congress, though, most are returning congressmen. They seem to be having trouble getting new recruits, and it seems some good number of the party members had moved to Japanese Labour Party. Their future is unknown, but unless they gain more new citizens for their future politicians, they may have short life, and fall.

Tequila Fitness Club, also hold to their tradition of putting experienced Congressmen into congress. All of their congressmen for this month are returning experienced citizens, which have good idea on Japan. They continue to put capable and concrete candidates into government to continue to try to keep the government stable and well run. Though, with recent decline in their members, they seem to be losing their influences, and power within the government, and they seem to be losing voice within the government slowly. Furthermore, will all of newer parties now growing from below, unless Tequila Fitness Club can gain more supporters, and members, they may soon disappear from the top five party list.

Here is the list of percentage each party hold within Congress…

National Alliance Party: 55.56%
Tequila Fitness Club: 16.67%
United Bushi of Nihon: 13.89%
Japanese Labour Party: 8.33%
National Party of Japan: 2.78%
Green Party of eJapan: 2.78%

Here is the party win loss count in term of congress seats… (Compared with December)

National Alliance Party: 8 Seats Gained
Japanese Labour Party (New): 3 Seats Gained
Green Party of eJapan (New): 1 Seat Gained
Tequila Fitness Club: No change
United Bushi of Nihon: No Change
National Party of Japan: 2 Seats lost

Also, just for fun, here is the list of top five most popular congressmen voted...

1) Kenji Tomohiro (NAP)
Number of Votes: 9
% of Votes: 11.82%

2) Anarki (NPJ)
Number of Votes: 5
% of Votes: 6.58%

3) Al dente (TFC) & Origineel.NL (TFC) & Seixo (UBN) (Tied)
Number of Votes: 4
% of Votes: 5.26%

This month should be interesting, as our country will continue to reconstruct ourselves from the Mafia attack from last month, and continue to try to restore our monetary and market system of our country. It should be interesting to see how those congressmen will vote, and make decision, to either speed up or slow down the process of our recovery.

Furthermore, our next Presidential Election should be very interesting, as it will be very competitive race between GLaDOS, and Akki. Currently, GLaDOS had created a large coalition consisting of Japanese Labour Party, United Bushi of Nihon, Tequila Fitness Club, and Green Party of eJapan to combat the power of National Alliance Party Backing Akki. This should be interesting race as result should be close, and will be very competitive till the end. However, with the results of today, it is currently tilting in Akki's Favour, as total Vote casted to National Alliance Party was 40, and to the Coalition was 31. Also, it should be interesting to see which candidate the remaining 3 party of Japan; National Party of Japan, Imperial Sun Party, and Orange Party, endorses. For all we know, those smaller minor parties may become the decision factor on our next election. Make sure to keep your eye, and ears open till February 5th, and to make sure to vote for the best candidate on that day.

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