Its not wrong to be different- The UIIP- +* Must Read+*+*

Day 981, 18:50 Published in Croatia Belgium by Justin Moore

The United Israel Independents Party

Official Press Release
Department of Communications Direction

Party Leadership- President- CRoy
Party Leadership- Vice President- Jamarcus

Are you tired of your opinions being pushed aside while someone else’s opinion is launched to the top of the food chain and your left standing with an empty bag? Are you tired of being shouted down by your party leaders when you present new Idea’s. Are you frustrated that your party and your nation is headed in the wrong direction.

We were too.

So we did something about it, We moved to Israel and we joined the United Israel Independents Party where our voices are being heard, where our opinions do matter. The UIIP is not your usual big conglomerate party, It’s a Family you might say. Were not a dead and dying drone of a party that developed set policies ages ago and refuse to change with the times or listen to new Input. Were a young Vibrant party that breathes fresh air into Israel. The UIIP’s membership has grown steadily while other parties of old have remained stagnant or lost members due to various yet obvious reasons.

The best thing about the UIIP is that you and your opinion matters and counts. Socialists, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Communists, Ultra Conservatives all have a chance to speak their mind and work alongside others that might not completely agree with them, but will respect their opinions and will give them a box to stand tall upon and speak their mind as well as run for office and hold Leadership positions within the party.

Another great thing about joining a new vibrant party is that we have many leadership positions open and waiting for those who would step out on a limb and come Join us here in Israel. We want leaders, we want those who will become involved and help us as a party of citizens working for the betterment of Israel in an effort to take Israel from a third world country status to a 1st rate nation Status in a short period of time. We must prevail. We will prevail. This party can do it because we have so many different minds working on the issues that face Israel’s weak economy, tightened security, and small status on the world Stage. We must Amplify Israel In every-way possible.

As far as moving to Israel is concerned, if you are interested in moving here and becoming a part of the UIIP which is affiliated with the UIP of the U.S.A. contact any members of the party, the party leadership, or myself Justin Moore- Communications Director for the UIIP and we will help you in any manner possible to help you get here with a moving ticket and help recommend employment for you as well as educate you on anything you may need to know regarding Israel’s history, position in the region, and politics.

This is the chance of a lifetime to take up roots, and move to a foreign land and be received there with welcoming arms and granted into the brotherhood of the UIIP.

We have simple and basic principles we follow and for your convenience I have included them within for your review.

Party Mission Statement
UNITED - It is through unity that we find strength as a party. We are united in a desire to put the good of the country before the good of our party. We are also united in our belief in the importance of equal opportunity and free speech. We believe that debate and an open competition of ideas is critical in helping to determine the direction of both our party and country. We uphold the importance of friendliness, helpfulness, and charity, believing that people are more important than politicking. Our goal is to move the nation forward together in the best possible way, and to define that way through intelligent debate.

INDEPENDENTS - Our party recognizes the foundational importance of individualism and free thought. Our party makes no member requirements based on political ideologies. We reject the notion of a "hive mentality" and stand as a party for those who don't wish to be part of a mindless conglomerate. We recognize the value of every party member, and are committed to supporting candidates and leadership solely on the basis of individual merit.

PARTY - We are committed to having a good time! We strive to create a positive atmosphere where all people, both members and non-members alike, feel valued and welcomed. Our goal is to not simply be a party, but a community that will help keep everyone motivated and entertained. We pledge to work hard to in trying to be genuinely helpful to our party members, our fellow citizens, our nation, and our world.

Isn’t it time you have a say? We think so!

Move to Israel, Join the UIIP, and Start your eLife.