Day 1,034, 14:20 Published in Canada Canada by Lord of Painkillers

it seems it is that time again.
the time where everybody gets hyped up about the congress elections and werites their articles and platforms demanding your vote and telling you why they are the best choice.

but in complete truth no single person is what makes congress effective, it takes many people working in cooperation. i have been elected into congress once and i hope to be your congressman once again manitoba. im not going to make promises that i cant keep but what i will say is that i will do what i can to make eCanada better. i have several opponents to compete with in manitoba and i wish my opponents good luck and i hope we can all be friends.

“Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity.”- a quote of Albert Einstein

everybody whether you vote for me or not please remember that i still want a HIGH FIVE FROM EVERYONE!!