It's Sad..

Day 950, 06:08 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

It's sad to see that people still jump to conclusions without looking at the facts. What am I talking about? Well isn't it obvious...The sudden rage regarding the refused rental.">Jbdivinus">1ronman
and even..">Dade

I guess I must be less of a failure if I'm at the bottom of 1ronman's list..should I be grateful? It's just funny how suddenly it's a scandal turned upside down, because just a few articles ago it was a scandal regarding "What the hell is going on?" and "Why the hell didn't anyone tell us?" and even "What about my Company?". Now it has completely changed, and why..? Because the more "experienced" players are saying so. Two of which have corrupted government Orgs and money. Who would've thought that people could change their minds so fast...not me.

When the">discussion was occurring 1ronman (who we still trusted) jumped in to say how much Congress sucks for not accepting it. But let me make something clear, nearly every Congress Member voted no simply because if we did this no one would know until Poland was already here. And you wouldn't get a chance to think through it and voice your opinion, because once they were here there would be NO opinions. Most wanted a referendum, but it couldn't happen.

The votes were 15-No and 9-Yes. All of those 9 yes votes were new Congress Members, none of the people who you might think voted yes probably didn't.

Dade and 1ronman seemed to have joined forces thrashing Congress then, and if Dade didn't like us why didn't he just cut us loose and do whatever the hell he wanted? Seems he regrets it now.

I hope I've made it clear..think about this, why would Poland pay so much money for just Manitoba? Doesn't really make sense does it? I knew you'd see it too.

Sadly it has come to this..

Yours Truly,