It's a nice day for a white wedding...

Day 623, 17:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716
It's a nice day for a white wedding...

These were the final enigmatic words of one of the most enigmatic politicians to grace e-Ireland's shores: Severin.

One can only assume the reasons he has left us, although from the hints he has dropped in the past to those who knew him well, one suspects it is affairs of the heart and soul which drag him from our midst. His near month of inactivity some time back, followed by a flurry of radical activity, followed by a sudden neccessity to leave without goodbyes suggest his heartstrings are being tugged by something in his real life of which we have no knowledge nor understanding. And so like the great and the good of e-Ireland's past, we must say farewell to a man who graced us with his unique presence.

Sometimes controversial, always respected.
Sometimes opinionated, always articulate.
Sometimes absent, never forgotten.

His own man, yet a man of the people.
Ambtious, audacious, sincerely helpful, shrewdly intellectual.
A poet more than a warrior, a politician more than most of us can match.

Whether you loved him or loathed him (and many people did both), everyone was aware of his enormous talent as a politician and as a citizen. His curriculum vitae stands up by itself:

3 times Vice-President, 6 times Congressman, 3 times Party President of the Irish Union Party, a period of dominance for the largest party in Ireland, founding member of the Irish Radical Party, former Ministers of Defence and Information, author of a popular and oft-controversial paper, aspiring President.

It was in pursuing this last aspect of his eRepublik career that he has left us. He will not have the chance to achieve the goal he had worked for throughout all of his eRepublik life. But the impression he left on us should not fade because of that. We should be grateful for his contributions, and now we look to the next generation to fill that Severin-shaped hole. To finish his words, it's a nice day to start again...

Take it away David...

Ground control to Severin:
Your circuit's dead, there's something wong.
Can you hear me Severin?
Can you hear me Severin?
Can you hear me Severin? Can you ...