It's a goddam game.

Day 1,172, 04:15 Published in Australia Australia by Imperator Major Domus

A lot of you take this game so seriously that you become complete retards to everyone because of your bloated ego. Why's your ego bloated? You aren't actually a MoD, you aren't really a marshal, you're just some random person sitting at a desk blowing there top off at some 11 yr old squeaky kid because they didn't supply the Platypi with weapons and food that doesn't even exist.
Who cares if we invaded eChile and don't have a reason to, eChile doesn't actually exist! Nor does the eNation that is supposedly invading it!
So, despite the succintness of this article... I cbf writing anymore in this article which doesn't actually exist...
Erepublik doesn't exist, and the vast majority of you take it way too seriously...
Focus more on your real lives... they're the only lives that count in the end.