It only gets better every day!!!

Day 634, 13:38 Published in USA China by mihail.cazacu

This is only a game. One minute ago when I've checked the governor of California was still Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh, and the Russians were already in New York. Little Odessa was full of them!

My point is making peace totally kills this game. Without wars the game turns into a boring succession of two-clicks/day. If a country is completely overrun then the real fun begins: the population mobilizes for resistance. The native-owned companies become guerrilla platoons, accumulating gold and weapons for the liberation war. The natives working for enemy-owned firms sabotage them every day. The money earned this way buy the weapons needed to kick the invader out. Ain't that more fun than a "honorable surrender" or an "equitable piss" err..."equitable peace"?

If ever in doubt turn on the TV. You'll find out the US is still the only superpower in the world. Not Hungary nor Indonesia. Not even Portugal.

So forget about negotiations and let the REAL fun begin!