It's time to put it right.

Day 1,285, 08:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane

Many moons ago we passed an income tax reduction to 1% across the board.
You can read the proposal and debate here. This tax reduction helped put more money in the pocket of the average citizen, and increased consumption.

The biggest fear was a major revenue loss. But, the increased consumption led to more VAT collections. Along with other factors, there was no drop in tax revenue from the tax reduction. The evidence was proven here. The reduction helped the citizens of eIreland, and did not hurt revenues at all.

Seanan made a small mistake later that month. He proposed a new import tax and accidentally changed the income tax for food back up to 5% here. This is not only unfair to food workers, but totally unnecessary. Seanan apologized for unintentionally undoing my efforts, but his regret was unnecessary. I understand how things slip one's mind, and he was focused on the import tax. It was easy to forget about the income tax debate from weeks before.

Now that I am a TD again, it is time for me to put the income tax right. It is a given that the income tax needs to go back to 1% again. But, I open the floor to debate on the import tax. We have had 10% import tax on food for nearly a month. When I fix the income tax, would you like me to change the import tax as well? Are you happy with the affects of 10%, or do you think it needs to be raised/lowered.

The debate floor is now open, and I look forward to the coming feedback.