It's Election time! Here are the Official UIIP Candidates

Day 1,008, 20:42 Published in Israel Israel by UIIP Official Org
Please make sure to vote and sub!

Shalom and welcome!

First off, if anyone is interested in joining the UIIP or learning more about us, you can join the forum here - - or PM me (CRoy). I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. We have a fun time on the forums, we help find jobs for party members, and we welcome anyone interested in helping build up this great nation of ours.

Also, remember, the link to vote can be found on the main page at the top of the news feed (it will be there in a few hours).

It's election time!

Here is a look at the candidates the UIIP will be running in each region (with fun campaign slogans):

Beesheba South
Aeroner - "He'll make your wildest dreams come true"
CRoy - "Praise be to cereal. PRAISE BE TO CEREAL"
Rheinlander von Phalz - "A new chapter begins."
Robbie Lizzini - "I’m in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let’s start with typewriters. Also, I promise more Bar for evvveryone!"

Frodo Malinowitz - "Vote Frodo for a better eIsrael! And so the Knesset has someone named Frodo!"
eOnix - "Treasure of Kings. 'Nuff said"
Livelie - "Motherland!"

Thain Peretz - "I'm still here guys"
Joshua Hoss - "I bet you thought this would be something about me being Boss, right? ...Hoss is Boss."
inselelfe - "I'm back!"

Nazareth North
Illithian - "You think you know, but you have no idea."
Pikezh638 - "Do not piss me off"
eyenetane - "I'm working on another game too. Ask me about it!"
Wade Seagrave - "Keep on truckin'"

Tel Aviv Center
Jamarcus - "I will kill you with kindness!"
yibgib - "I promise not to take my medication"
conchis1 - "I am the silent ninja. Jew Jitsu!"
Joey Jackson - "I was the first citizenship application ever accepted in eIsrael. Now I'm back!"
Quimbie Muffins - "Do you know the Muffin man? The Muffin man?? THE MUFFIN MAN!"

I hope you'll consider voting for UIIP candidates today. We have former Presidents, Vice Presidents, Ministers of Defense, Generals, Speakers of the House (in Israel and abroad), famous soldiers, Party Presidents, and yibgib! I'm really proud of the candidates we were able to put together this month, and I know everyone elected will do a great job!

Lastly, thanks to the work of Dean Michaely, Illithian, and, well, myself, eIsrael was able to renew our MPP with the eUS. Thanks to everyone who donated! We are still accepting donations for future MPPs at the permanent trust set up here - Israel's MPP Trust. The org is owned jointly by both me and Dean, and anything donated will only be used towards MPPs.

Have a great election everyone! Good luck to all who are running, from all parties. Thanks to everyone who served in the Knesset this last term. It was an amazing term. I know we have a great Knesset session coming up as well, and I'm looking forward to it!

UIIP President

ps Thanks Syrup for doing your thing