Issue #21: The Empire of Awesome!

Day 320, 10:24 Published in Mexico China by Ragnarokz
Mexico City, Mexico

A recent [a url=]article[/a] made by known Iranian propagandist [a url=]Balash[/a] , has attacked the Pakistani nation.

"American brothers and sisters, I should address to all those aggressive and offensive statements of Pakistanis. So, you think according to CIA and FBI, the threat of the so-called Empire of Eden is already gone, but the Pakistani officials say “We’re stockpiling weapons for V1” and what’s new in V1?
Why did they call the Empire of Eden as the Eastern (!) holy Pakistan?"

Isn't it insane? Coming from a former member of a National Socialist party? I've been at the end of one of the Iranians attacks, back in good old Turkey.

And now when Turkey is in the hands of a Iranian puppet, they have decided on a new target, Pakistan.

Not Sweden or any of the nations with actual minorities, but no, Pakistan.

How delightfully obvious, isn't my good readers?

It's just another piece of fascist propaganda from the hands of the racist nation of Iran.

So Balash, you're not tricking anyone with half a mind.

Free Denmark!