Issue #19: A completely expected Victory!

Day 317, 02:35 Published in Mexico China by Ragnarokz
Mexico City, Mexico

We have won again.

Mexico will be under the enlightened Governance of the Burrito for another month. Rejoice my friends, the plan for a better and more Glorious Mexico goes forward.

We have once again won both the Presidential election and Congress, so all is well.

In Mexico that is. All is not well in Turkey!

[a url=]BattalGazi[/a], a man in the pocket of the fiendish Iranians, have been elected to the Presidential position, a man from the [a url=]MHC[/a], who has a long and sad history of either fraud or downright stupidity.

At least they didn't run a known criminal this time, that's a small improvement. Instead of a criminal, we know have an Iranian puppet.

Well done Turkey, well done indeed.